What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder related to the brain development. In other words, it is a kind of abnormality. It is medically abbreviated as ADHD. Psychologically, it is a behavioral disorder that is common in most children.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

According to its name, ADHD includes those main symptoms.

  1. Attention-Deficit which means not being able to concentrate for a long period
  2. Hyperactivity which means being overly active and not being calm
  3. Impulsivity which means stubbornness and sentimentality

So let’s talk about each one.

1. Attention-Deficit
Children with ADHD do not like stressful tasks which need to use brain power (such as homework) and often miss and lose school supplies (such as toys, pencils, and homework) . They tend to procrastinate and always make things messy. They do not listen carefully and make careless mistakes. And they don’t remember facts in detail.
When they are playing, they do not play quietly in one place or with the same toy. They can play non-stop at any kind of places. Besides, they tend to do a new thing before finishing the one that they are doing right now. They can withstand wounds and pain. And they do not always pay attention to what is being said.
Even though they cannot focus on other things, they can for a long time and give their full attention to what they are actually interested in. However, in the beginning, things are easy, but when it gets harder, they don’t want to take on those challenges again.

2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity

This is very common to see every healthy child, especially before the age of seven (before school age), always plays like a monkey. But normal children can sit in their classrooms when they are in school age, but ADHD children cannot perform that way.
And they are normally fidgets who are constantly shaking their hands, knees, heads and swing their bodies left and right or even tapping their desks. They tent to ask questions without thinking and without asking for their turns. If the parents or teachers scold them not to behave like this, they will get angry so they are automatically seemed like naughty children in the eyes of adults.
They are used to run and jump all the time and also talk constantly. Although normal children can always jump and play too, they also take time to rest when they are tired. Nevertheless, ADHD children are children driven by motor. They cannot let themselves stop.

How can a person be defined as an ADHD person?

A person can have ADHD disorder if they are facing the following situations.

  • if a child have these symptoms before the age of 7
  • they will have these symptoms for at least 6 consecutive months
  • if they will have at least six or seven out of the above symptoms.

Mostly, people used to mistakenly believe the symptoms of ADHD with those of naughty child syndrome. That’s why it is important to monitor your child’s condition at various locations. No matter how naughty a child is, they behave a little bit better in front of the teachers they are afraid of, their parents and strangers. Even so, children with ADHD are not like that and not able to think and understand how to act properly in every situation. It is because of the weaknesses in their brain functions that can control their behaviors, actions and speeches.

Is ADHD a mental illness?

In general, yes, ADHD is a mental illness. There is no cure for ADHD, but ADHD medications can reduce the symptoms and make them less severe. Scientifically, the exact cause of ADHD cannot be determined. But in general, ADHD is caused by those factors.

  • Having siblings or parents who have ADHD or mental disorders
  • Exposure to paints in the environment and poison in pipes on old buildings
  • Using drugs, smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy
  • Premature birth.
How to treat children with ADHD?

There are natural remedies that you can try to treat the children with ADHD.

  1. Behavioral therapy
  2. Educating the parents: For example, if they do good, they should be immediately appreciated and in the same way, notified immediately if they do bad.
  3. Giving the necessary advice in the classroom: for example, to teach individually; Do not place the child in a place with a lot of distractions; Keep them close to calm and intelligent children and let them do frequent physical activities.
  4. Eating a balanced diet, doing regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and controlling screen time, such as playing games.

In most children with ADHD, the symptoms disappear as they get older, but some of them continue to have the same behaviors. If you would like to know more details or if you would like to receive systematic treatment, you can consult with a doctor for better advice.